Mindful Hospitality

What your guests take home with them—aside from ideally a purchase and a club membership—is the memory of their exceptional hospitality experience.

Mindful hospitality is about curating a guest experience that will make your brand take up home at the top of clients’ minds long after they’ve left your tasting room. They’ll tell stories to their friends, cherish memories while enjoying a bottle they brought home, and, most importantly, become loyal customers for life!

Workshop Audience

All direct-to-consumers employees and managers.


Participants will return from this training equipped with the skills, behaviors, and tools to deliver exceptional hospitality.

Workshop Delivery

This program can be delivered in one workshop or a series, live or virtual, depending on your team’s availability.

How do you become known for exceptional service and hospitality? By building a guest-centered experience on knowing preferences, nurturing relationships, and delighting your guests. This is the time-tested way to build ambassadors!

In this program, your team members will be engaged with behavioral models, and real-world examples and led through meaningful exercises to learn:

Cultivating Mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness and a “yes, and…” attitude is key to meeting guests in their world. Said another way, it’s the secret to creating a personal experience. This doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by being deliberately open, curious, and flexible.

Four Elements of Enlightened Hospitality

If any one of them is missing—hospitality basics, hospitality language, on-stage behaviors, and delighters—a guest experience will feel mediocre at best. I’ll teach your team how to craft these into the experience.

The Five Habits of Embracing and Valuing Moments of Truths

With these five habits as a guide, your team will learn essential elements that must be present in a guest experience to nurture satisfaction and, ultimately, build loyalty.

Four Keys to Service Recovery

Your team will learn how to turn dissatisfaction into delight, this is pivotal in garnering loyalty because there will be mistakes and issues beyond your control. What’s crucial is how your team responds to guests.